How to submit
Before submitting
Ensure all authors have seen and approved the final version of the article prior to submission.
All authors must also approve submission of the article to Redox Experimental Medicine.
Your article
Ensure that your article has been prepared following the guidance on our Author Guidelines page.
Structure – Ensure the submission is structured as requested by the journal, and contains all relevant sections.
Title page – All submissions must have a title page stating all of the relevant information.
Format – All submissions should follow the journal guidelines for word count, page margins and line numbering.
Language – The English language in articles should be comprehensible and unambiguous. Editorial decisions are not made based on quality of English language, however authors may be asked to address the language in a submission prior to peer-review if the reviewers cannot accurately assess the science. For professional language support prior to publication, we partner with Enago.
Reported data – Data accuracy is crucial. Authors are strongly encouraged to double check all reported data for accuracy and to confirm that all units of measurement are correct and consistent.
References – Please see ‘References’ for full details of the journal’s required style.
Graphics – All figures and tables should be presented in a clear and informative manner with accompanying legends.
Data availability statement – Authors are encouraged to make all data publically available and are required to include data availability statements. See our Research Data policy
Funding – Authors should acknowledge any funding sources which contributed to the work.
Ethical compliance – All articles are required to meet the requirements outlined in our ethical policy. Ensure you have included all relevant ethical approval statements.
Decisions to make
Open access – The appropriate open-access option must be selected on submission. Authors are responsible for ensuring any funder mandates are followed.
Charges – Authors are responsible for checking if any publication charges apply and ensuring that they have the funds available to pay these if their article is accepted.
The submission process
Author list – All authors must be listed on the title page and entered on the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission in the correct order. Ensure all author email addresses provided are valid. Author information entered into ScholarOne
Manuscripts will be used to generate PubMed listings for published papers.
Cover letter – This letter should introduce your paper and outline why your work is important and suitable publication at this time.
File formats – Ensure all files are in the correct format for revised submissions.
Figures and tables – Ensure all figures and table files are present and correct, and that they display clearly in the pdf proof.
User account details
All submitting authors are required to link their ScholarOne account with their ORCID iD. The system will prompt the author to do this when creating the submission.
The journal also requests that all authors identified as ‘corresponding authors’ create and link an ORCID iD with their account on ScholarOne prior to article acceptance. We also encourage contributing authors to associate an ORCID iD with their ScholarOne account. Author ORCID iDs will be displayed on the published article.
Author email addresses
The journal requires that an institutional email address is associated with the account of both the submitting author and corresponding author; please edit the associated ScholarOne accounts to include this before pressing 'submit'. Alternatively please provide an explanation as to why this is not available by contacting the Editorial Office.
This policy has been adopted in order to verify the authenticity of article submissions and protect the integrity of Redox Experimental Medicine.